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About Pi & Hu


Nice that you landed on my page.   😊

But who are actually Pi & Hu? Where does the name come from? 

This is one of the most common questions, along with sewing-related stuff. 

I'm Pia, that explains the Pi,   I'm actually a physiotherapist and discovered sewing for myself during pregnancy. 

I originally started sewing for my now almost 5 year old son. And this is where the Hu comes into play. Hu is based on a story about the naming of Jannik. 

And since I'm quite uncreative per se, I decided on Pi & Hu.  


And what can you find at Pi & Hu?

Mainly everything revolves here  for children's clothing in sizes 50/56-128/134 (for other sizes please use the contact form).

It should be colorful and customizable here and also  remain.

From t-shirts to long sleeves, from jackets to waistcoats to sets and kindergarten backpacks, everything can be spiced up with an application, or even without,   there could be something here for everyone.  

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